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Experienced and Comprehensive Dentistry in Marietta, GA

Boost Your Confidence With a Bright and Healthy Smile

With comprehensive general, family, and cosmetic dentistry in Marietta, GA, Robert Gittelman, DDS, FAGD takes pride in helping you care for and protect your oral health. Our extensive range of preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dental procedures can give you a bright and healthy smile. We know that finding the right dental provider is crucial for maintaining healthy, confident smiles. That’s why we offer dental services for every family member, including regular checkups, restorative treatments, or aesthetic enhancements. Call us to schedule an appointment and learn more about our complete line of services.

someone smiling

Family Dentistry for People of All Ages

Busy schedules call for convenience, and having a reliable family dentist streamlines care for everyone. Dr. Gittelman offers gentle cleanings, fluoride treatments, and ongoing education to build healthy habits for children. Our services for teens may include addressing misalignments or wisdom tooth concerns. We address a diverse array of needs for adults, such as cosmetic and restorative dentistry solutions. We create a welcoming and caring environment by handling every family member’s needs. Having a trusted dentist for your entire family builds better relationships, reduces dental anxiety, and tracks oral health progress over time. That’s why people of all ages rely on us for excellent dental care.

man smiling while jogging

Choose Dr. Gittelman for Complete Dental Care

Our patients enjoy personalized treatment plans crafted to fit their specific needs with a commitment to maintaining lifelong oral health. Here are the dental services we provide:

  • Preventive Care for Long-Term Oral Health—Regular cleanings and exams allow us to address potential issues early and ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy for years.
  • Restorative Dentistry for a Confident Smile—If dental issues such as cavities or damaged teeth arise, we provide gentle and effective treatments to restore your smile.
  • Cosmetic Enhancements for a Brighter Smile—Receive teeth whitening for a radiant glow, porcelain veneers to correct discoloration, chips, or gaps, and bonding to repair minor imperfections.
  • Family Dentistry for Every Stage of Life—We understand that families have unique needs—and we’re here to serve everyone, from children to older adults.

Take the First Step Toward a Healthier Smile

Whether you’re seeking reliable dental care, looking for a skilled family dentist, or considering a cosmetic dental makeover, Dr. Gittelman and his team are here to help. Our practice offers flexible appointments and aims to create lifelong relationships. Your oral health is our priority, with thorough examinations and expert advice for boosting and maintaining your smile. We know visiting a dentist can be stressful, so we ensure your comfort with our compassionate and gentle care.

Customer Reviews

Robert Gittelman, DDS, FAGD

365 Villa Rica Way Southwest
Marietta, GA 30064


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM

365 Villa Rica Way Southwest, Marietta, GA 30064, USA

Book an Appointment
With Robert Gittelman, DDS, FAGD